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China Manufacturer for Defibrillator, Automated External Defibrillator(AED)and AED trainers

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  • How many minutes defixpress need to charge battery to 200J shock? 日期:2019-08-16 17:38:19 点击:84 好评:2

    Defixpress need 6 seconds to charge battery to 200J work,< 06 seconds @ 200 J (with a Ni-MH 12 volt - MEDITECH battery,12 seconds @ 360 J (with a Ni-MH 12 volt - MEDITECH battery after 15 discharges).< 15 seconds @ 360 J (no battery 90% AC m...

  • Is there any memory in the DefiXpress defibrillator monitor? 日期:2019-08-16 12:01:41 点击:82 好评:0

    Meditech Defi Xpress defibrillator monitor Have memory for ECG wave is 73.1 hours and wav (voice) is 9.3 hours ...

  • What is the standard configuration of Defixpress? 日期:2019-07-01 18:27:48 点击:91 好评:4

    Defibrillator monitor Defi xpress comes with ECG Monitor, Automated External Defibrillator, printer , and for accessories : AED pad, AED pad connector, 1pcs of paper role,Ground cable,Power cable (all countries standard available) ...

  • What options Defi xpress have? 日期:2019-07-01 18:25:03 点击:74 好评:0

    Defixpress options are: SpO2, NIBP, EtCO2, Pacemaker, SD upgrage memory and PC Software for data transfer...

  • How many language available? 日期:2019-07-01 17:06:33 点击:223 好评:4

    Defibrillator monitor Defixpress have many languages ...

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